Friday, June 3, 2011

short hair men 2011

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  • Philalbe
    Mar 20, 08:55 AM
    Philalbe, based on what you've said, he sounds like someone you really don't want to be doing business with. In the end, the pay would have to be a lot better than that for it to be worth all the stress.

    If I can offer you just a little bit of advice, having run my own business for quite a number of years, it would be this� Firstly, you're charging WAY too little. I did too when I started out. That's why this guy back-pedalled IMO, not because he's a nice guy, but because he realises that no one else will do the quality of work you're doing at this price. I could be wrong, but he sounds like some people I've seen before. He knows you're a bit green in business, and he'll take advantage of it to save every penny he can, hence the line that 3 hours is all he can afford. You have to be confident in your service and your prices and set them accordingly. If he values the service you offer, he will pay the price. If not, he'll go in search of the next person gullible enough to pay what he's offering, and he will. This kind of person places no value in establishing long-term business relationships and he offers very little value to you and your business.

    I know you're only starting out and you're keen to get any work you can, but in the long term it's going to bite you because a lot of the customers you're establishing now at this price are going to start taking it for granted. I don't know what the going rates are in your area, but you need to find out. I'll bet you people are charging upwards of 4 or 5 times that amount.

    Good luck! :)

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  • short hair styles for men 2011

  • jettredmont
    Apr 4, 04:51 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    **** AT&T.

    The wrong foul word was starred out there. Probably a bug in the forum software.

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  • macrobat
    May 4, 08:57 PM
    I just dl it and its awesome! this should be picked up by apple its super handy. sometimes i have 4 camera apps open that i am using and i hate having to find them so this is a saving grace for me.

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  • bobfitz14
    Aug 3, 12:57 PM
    ^^lmaoo i remember that thread


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  • skunk
    Mar 19, 08:54 PM
    I'm from the UK, where capital punishement was abolished in 1969. Here in the UK we would love capital punishement to be reintroduced, a life for a life as they sayDon't include me. Your reasoning is as confused as your conclusion. There is absolutely no logic in maintaining that killing is wrong and then appealing to that principle to justify more killing.

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  • upaymeifixit
    Apr 13, 09:08 PM
    You cannot officially resize the NTFS format, although apparently with the right tools some people have successfully done it. I tried, everything was in tact, but it wouldn't boot.

    The best option would be to reinstall. Your license key will still work after the reinstall. (Source (


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  • ClimbingTheLog
    Nov 20, 02:19 PM
    and in my opinion it doesn't look like current 3G GSM cellular networks simply don't have the duplex bandwidth to deliver that kind of content. (and 4G is still a ways off)

    Do you mean latency? evdo gives up to 3mbps in urban areas. That should be plenty.

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  • Wayne#39;s Blog: short hair

  • neut
    Feb 14, 04:05 PM
    congrats to you all!

    Hey Thanks! :D

    oh wait ... you probably meant the new mods i guess. :o :p



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  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 14, 02:15 PM

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  • pgasnier
    Jul 2, 08:17 PM
    Trying to jailbreak my 3GS for hours and no sucess .
    it has the new ios 4 software , tried with pnwage tool 4.0 ,
    got a message sayig that firmware is not compatible .
    tried with redsnow , didnt work
    any suggestions ?


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  • iBug2
    Nov 12, 10:01 PM
    I'm not complaining. On more than one occasion they forced the competition to offer more for less in order to compete and that's a great thing from a consumer perspective.

    I think once Apple saw just how deep down the post production rabbit hole they'd have to go to meaningfully support and develop Shake they decided it would be too much effort for too little return so bye-bye Shake. It was too much of a niche w/in a niche for Apple, IMO.

    Possible, but they must have known that when they purchased a highly niche product aimed only at large FX houses.

    Checked the article on QT, and I must say I didn't think it would take that long for Apple to iterate QTX to catch up with QT. Seems like we'll have to wait a "while". Although that's no reason to delay the FCS overhaul, it can still work through QTKit Server.

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  • Yvan256
    Oct 6, 08:28 AM
    Then please go visit and see how user-applied changes break their designs to the point where elements are covered by others. Those designs usually apply to the W3 standards, and I bet they are far better at this things than either you or me.

    Having valid (X)HTML/CSS code doesn't mean it's well-coded. Some designers still think that webpages are static images where they (should) have pixel-perfect control. I hate those websites, some even go to the length of putting actual text content inside a GIF file because the browser couldn't render their 5-pixels-high font correctly.

    CSS Zen Garden shows how the web should be coded (XHTML structured content styled with CSS), but some of the designs (CSS files) are bad (yet use valid CSS code).

    If you view CSS Zen Garden with CSS disabled, you'll still have access to the content. It won't be pretty, but it'll be there. Content is more important than style (style with no content is useless).


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  • ranviper
    Apr 8, 08:46 PM
    I have a question for those of you who get your wallpapers from wallbase. No matter what broswer or OS I use, and even though I am logged in, I still cannot get ANY wallbase pics to load. I click the thumbnail to view it big and it opens in a new tab, but it doesn't show anything.

    Am I missing something?

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  • Red Defiant
    Apr 4, 02:49 PM
    Randall L. Stephenson Jr. (wife: Lenise Stephenson)
    5404 Walnut Hill Ln.
    Dallas, Texas 75229

    This is AT&T CEO address feel free to drop him a line to let him know how pleased you are with his company.


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  • touchtone561
    Nov 19, 12:29 PM
    If some generic reseller wanted to charge an extra $200 per iPad MSRP would people email SJ asking why is he allowing that? Kind of Sad.

    I hope whoever wanted to get one, got in before "the letters" get sent out.

    :apple: "I'm a Mac"

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  • dXTC
    Apr 7, 02:33 PM
    Don't forget also Star Trek Strategic Ops:

    Guy had the sit-down one local for $750 in perfect condition - wow, sold it in under 1/2 hour... :eek:

    The upright version of this one that was at my university's arcade got many a quarter from me. "Entering Sector 1... Point... 2." :D

    I would have bought the sit-down one for that price, too. Some collectors would have paid more, just to get a working vector CRT.


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  • short hair styles men 2011.

  • Rocketman
    Nov 29, 01:52 PM
    I believe you are all missing the point.

    The studios want HDCP over DVI and HDMI or whatever. There are no current systems that properly use it, even if they say they do, because the licenses or permissions have not been distributed yet and they are HARDWARE objects.

    HARDWARE is Apple's forte.

    I suspect iTV is actually a series of devices that properly implement HDCP to suit the studios that demand seamless and enforceable content protection. As mentioned, mainly to protect the asset of a time sensitive and expensive major movie release.

    There are really only two premium price revenue timeframes for movies. A few weeks after theatrical release and a few months after DVD (now online) release. They simply want to protect the "premiumness" of the price.

    Apple does that in computers with methods to try to prevent installation and proper use of OSX on any computer but an Apple. It mainly works.

    So I suspect we will see a "new" video iPod and iTV as a breakout box for your existing TV, and iTV enabled LCD TV's in the "media release".

    Then no studio will hesitate.


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  • Doctor Q
    Oct 31, 05:31 PM
    This is one of the 4 first-round voting pools in the 3,000,000 Post Apple Advertisement Contest "Best Apple Video Ad" competition.

    Vote for your 1 favorite in each of the 4 "Best Apple Video Ad" pools (and your 1 favorite in each of the 8 "Best Apple Print Ad" pools).

    This poll will be open through the end of Wednesday November 1, closing at midnight EST. The entry with the most votes will move on to the final round.

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  • Mord
    Sep 26, 10:49 AM
    I chose not to comment about the situation but to say....what a sad, screwed up world we live in. Take what you may out of that.

    sad that old people dont want their children having sex when they are both old enough, or sad that those two are haveing sex?

    Dec 19, 05:06 PM
    Good one. :)

    And nice that you didn't equip Steve with the same (scary) eyes as the ones on the Finder 'tar... ;)

    Oct 5, 11:40 PM
    I wouldn't be surprised to see Leopard ship at Macworld, to beat Vista to the stores and undercut them once more. Will Jobs do it?

    Nov 22, 12:19 AM (Credit: Ministry of Tech)

    That chill in the air means two things: the holidays are approaching, and the height of sports gambling season is upon us. The upcoming slate of college bowl games, the Super Bowl, and March Madness always warms the heart of even the casual gambler.

    But this year, techies can get in on the fun. A sports betting site called is taking bets on the launch date for Apple's long-rumored iPhone. Bodog's using the money line system to gauge whether Apple will introduce the iPhone by the end of April or whether it will introduce the product at January's MacWorld conference.

    For example, if you think Apple's going to launch the iPhone by April 30, you need to wager $150 to win $100. That means Bodog considers that likelihood as the favorite, while a launch after that date (or no launch) would win $110 on a $100 bet. Based on the odds quoted by Bodog, it's even more likely that Apple will annouce the "impending release" of the iPhone at January's MacWorld. A wager of $280 on that possibility is required to take home $100.

    We think Bodog should consider additional wagers, such as: Will Steve Jobs come out at MacWorld wearing his traditional black mock turtleneck or something different, like the button-down shirt he sported at Apple's Showtime event earlier this year? But, as usual, nobody asked. Since nobody's asking for our sports picks either, Crave likes Ohio State over USC in the Fiesta Bowl, San Diego's high-powered offense exposing Rex Grossman and the Bears in the Super Bowl, and North Carolina to bring the hardware back to Chapel Hill.


    May 6, 10:20 PM
    Works perfectly. Pay the buck, delete all mail with one click.

    Apr 30, 09:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Until MobileMe/iCloud is more full featured and cheaper than Google's/DropBox services, then I don't really care.

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