Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seohyun SNSD

Yapp sebelumnya kan udah kenalan sama member2nya Snsd. Nah sekarang aku kenalin nih sama biasku. Yaap aku suka banget sama maknaenya yaitu Seohyun ^,^ Dia ini yang paling pendiem terus yang paling sopan. Pokoknya gereget banget deh lugu bangett. Nah dia ini juga pernah ikutang Wgm dg couplenya Jung Yong Hwa. Aku sih suka sama Jung Yong Hwa cumaaa aku lebih suka ngeliat Seohyun sama Kyuhyun :D *dikejerElf* Apalagi waktu mereka di Seoul Song wow pokoknya top abis deeh :D Ini profilnya cekidot guys..

Stage Name: Seo Hyun
Birth Name: Seo Joo Hyun
Nickname : Maknae, Seororo
Motto : If your dream is alive, then one day it will come true.
Group Position : Lead Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Fluent) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: June 28, 1991
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: A
School: Daeyoung High School
Casted: 2003 SM Casting System
-2004 SMART Uniform Model
Fancafe: [Star]
Duration of Training: 6 years and 6 months

Extra Information

Favorite Number : 64
Ideal Man : Johnny Depp
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Kissing You
Hobbies : Piano
Favorite Anime : Keroro
Favorite Fruit : Watermelon
Favorite Drama : Nodame Cantabile
Favorite Movie : Pirates of the Caribbean
Roommate/s : Tiffany

Beberapa pict Seohyun :

 kissing you


run devil run
visual dream

mr. taxi

japanese album

SeoKyu at Seoul Song ^o^

mesra kan? hihi

aigo ^^

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